Thursday, July 1, 2010

♠ Week 2 - Creativity

During my advertising design class, the lecturer in my class have show us a slide about creativity. It's said that creativity is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts. I do agree with that, we always hope to see something new or something extra-ordinary than what it's existing now. Therefore, we need to think creatively in order not to be left out.

We must have the ability to solve a problem, therefore a new idea or concepts will be needed. A creative person will think something that normal people can't get to think. I'm not saying that a creative person is insane, what I impress on them is they dare to think dare to try dare to explorer. Therefore, they get to find out the suitable solution or idea that impress people.

Observation, study, practice and play are the essential elements of creative growth. This is truth, without all these you can't get your idea or concepts with just sitting on there and think nothing.

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