Thursday, August 5, 2010

♠ Week 7 - exercise on Juxtaposition 2

Task 1 (given in class) -
During the class, we have been given an exercise that related to juxtaposition.
  • 1st step, 2 groups of number are given, and we need to choose 3 number that we like.
  • I have choose number 28, 39 and 54. After than i need to combine them, turns up (i) 28 -lightning wood, (ii) 39- ice rain (iii) 54- fire mountain
  • Making a sentence by using the combine words and sketch the situation out.
  • Lastly, using the combine words to form a new word and sketch it out. exapmle : lightningwood, icerain, firemountain.

Task 2: Describing the content that given in the slide.

Love is excite,
just like you have a taste on an extremely spicy and hot chilies.

Life is pain,
just like having a cup of coffee that perceived bitter taste.

Without credit card there is no life,
with credit card life will be much more colourful and meaningful.

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